Before I start my entry, I must thank one of my closest friends, SJ, to reignite the pensieve as I had slowly started turning into an impulsive writer. Now, to my entry:
Today, I went to watch “Karthik calling Karthik” which, of course was a brilliant movie. However, one line struck me the most, the line I write in the title above. It put my deepest thoughts in plain words, something that I had failed to express all this time.
This has happened with me not once but twice. And each time, I felt deeply impacted. Luckily for me, the first one did not actually end in a goodbye and as fate would have had it, I once again came in touch and the camaraderie was again at the same levels.
It is the second one which has always pricked me like a thorn. This person became a great friend, a person I chilled out with and suddenly the communication channels got lost. I tried contacting the person, sent emails but to no avail.
The day I was disembarking for a new phase in my life, I wanted to say a final goodbye to this person. I wanted to ask what had gone wrong, I was ready to shed my ego, just to relive those fun moments that I had with the person one last time. I wanted to say that I might have been a bit ridiculous, stupid at times, but all this was just to lighten things up. I wanted to say that I always considered the person to be a part of my special group of friends for whom I was willing to go out of the way. I wanted to say all this and much more……. But I could not.
Recently, I got a linkedin invitation. I thought that probably the temper had died down. But, as things later turned out , I was wrong.
I know that my entry may never reach the person eyes, but I’d like to say that I did whatever I could with utmost sincerity and honesty. I had made numerous attempts and had compromised with my ego to the limit. However, I was made to swallow this bitter pill. And the bitterness now stays……………
On a lighter note, I also visited Archie’s where I saw this interesting board which said “ Women are more talented than men….While men succeed after numerous attempts, they require a single attempt” I leave the interpretations open….
My next entry: II’ll analyze the budget 2010-2011.
Till then, cheerio