Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Leadership: My perspective

I want to discuss about the most debated topic in corporate life and MBA schools: Leadership. I have been reading thesis and sheaves of paper full of complicated principles. I hold a very simplistic view on this. I feel Leadership is nothing but "Being Human". Yes, this phrase has been copied from a popular charity organization but I think this is precisely as simple as this. Imagine a situation: leading a business with a hierarchy in place. Now, the business cannot run until the team works together. It will be fraught with internal politics and sensitivities. It, thus, becomes imperative for a leader to think as a human, as a person in his colleague's shoes. It is important to think that way as the person may need a neutral person to be driven out of dilemnas. It is this human side which can make a difference to the business as well as individual team members.

Just a wild thought!!! Test it and let me know the results...


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